
To book in for a service or purchase bachflower remedies, email or call 0432 606 974


Timeline Therapy

Timeline therapy provides a powerful process and technique for personal change and growth, by facilitating the elimination of the painful emotions attached to memories or events in the past.

It also focuses on what we can learn from those events and use what we learn as a resource for the future.

We all have unconscious programs we have adopted and accumulated between birth and 7 years of age, or before. Understanding these programs allows us to shift and release generational trauma and patterns.

Holistic Life Coaching

Holistic life coaching can help you make progress in your life to gain greater fulfillment. It provides guidance on how to improve your relationships, career and day to day life.

If you’re navigating a significant life change, such as taking on a new job or leaving a relationship, or if you simply need help in building a happier, more meaningful life, life coaching can get you on the road of positive change and becoming the master of your destiny.

Holistic life coaching takes a broad view of all parts of your life and assists you to expand your consciousness.

Bachflower Remedies

Bachflower remedies consist of 38 remedies that address specific negative states and emotions.

The remedies are made out of flower and wild plant extracts, that consist of 70% spring water and a 30% brandy base.

My ready to go formulas come in 30ml dropper-bottles, of which 4 drops are taken directly under the tongue (or mixed in a glass of water) and can be taken up to 4 x per day.

Rescue Remedy - this is Dr Bach’s formula for shock and trauma.

Stress-Eze - feeling overwhelmed by responsibility, struggle on even when overtired, need to do things 100%, can’t switch off their mind.

Anxiety-Eze - have fears that can be named, have unexplained fears, don’t trust their own judgement.

Sleep-Eze - feel tired and exhausted, but can’t switch off mind, feeling overwhelmed and thinking about the day gone by, or the day to come.

Allergy-Eze - Great formula for allergies and hayfever

Bachflower consultations are available, for bookings call 0432606974.

Reiki Certification

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, using life force energy, that promotes relaxation, and reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch.

Reiki Level 1 Course - 2 day in person course
Cost $390

Reiki Level 2 Course - 2 day in person course
Cost $390 

I also offer a 2-hour crystal and pendulum in person workshop, which is a great addition to your reiki training.
Cost $90